Jun 23, 2010


"this video was made by the alliance france for a test anniversary".

"Friday worldwide" (11-june 10:00 hrs)

-Female baby football: participate seven women.
-Male bay football: participate seven men and also must participate a teacher for every team.
-Collection of food: give the food collected to the time of 12:00 hrs.
-Cars allegorical: this test consist in present a car decorated about the topic of every alliance and also participate the candidates and more people.
-Coronation party: in this party given the results of the tests and creown to the winners candidates.

"Artistic Thursday" (10-june 16:00 hrs)

-Play back serious: this test consist in a serious choreography about any musical song choosed for the alliance.
-Play back jocose: this is a choreography but the contrary of serious, this is funny.
-Comercial: the alliance must record a comercial of any product choose bye the alliance.
-Misses: legs, body and ass
-Misters: legs, ass and muscle.
-Body paint:consist in present a boy/girl with his/her body completely painted.
-Singing for a dream: a participant must sing a song original or of an artist known.
-Traditional dress: will be presented two chothes tradicional of alliance made with waste materials.
-Fashion show worldwide: consist in a show deport and chothes about the topic of every alliance and a person must explain what people is wearing.
-Auction of singles: in this test every alliance must present four persons; two women and two men to be auctioned.
-Flash test.

"Wednesday" (09-june 14:30 hrs)

-Burned: in this test participate 5 women and 5 men for every team. They must choose a ambassador for every team.
-Flash test.
-Official act: the estudents must assist with the uniform of the highschool. (19:00 hrs)

"Explosive Tuesday" (08-june; 16:00 hrs)

-Female and Masculine gymkhanas: participe two girls and two boys of every alliance respectively.
-Painted faces: a boy will must paint the face of girl.
-Cultural explosion: in this test two participants must answer questions about news, politic, etc.
-jenga: participe two persons for every alliance
- Explosive clown: a girl must introduce globes in the clothes of clown, the clown will be a boy and all this must do it en a time of 1 minute.
-Human wardrobe: the participant masculine must put many clothes in a time of 1 minute, helped by the participant female.
- Flash test.

"Monday of Presentations" (07-june 16:00 hrs.)

- first test of this day consist in a make a choreography about topic of allience for present the candidates.
- the second tests consist in invent cries to motive the alliance
- Tugar-tugar: in this test the participants will must dance diferents rhythms of music.
-Flassh test: sorprise test

"Clean friday" 04-june 14:30-16:00 hrs.

Cleanliness of classrooms: this test consist in clean and adorn all the classrooms of every alliance. They will must clean; floors, walls, doors, tables, windows, etc.
And must have; draft, broom, plant, clock, horary, etc.